Blessings – post by Ruhiyyih Baker

On this Sunday, 15th, Our Lord’s Day.  I want to focus on our blessings, starting with the wonderful, faithful team of Campus Lutheran and their commitment to teaching God’s word to the children in Anchor Point, AK.

As the morning started, we had a visiting Pastor George Rakos and his wife, Carol.  He gave a sermon on our blessed baptism and what it means for us and how daily we should think about the blessings we receive from the Holy SPirit and the blood shed by our Lord and Savior.  What a blessing to hear those words.

And as our Pastor Gary and Family are on vacation, we were blessed with Sara who was visiting from Paler, AK with her son and volunteered to play piano, again what a blessing!

Then how the loving congregation of Faith Lutheran came together to put on a delicious potluck to welcome team Campus Luterhan.  And furnished some of the needs for the team.  As we all work together, we must stop and see the blessings of God and those around us to do His will…sharing the Love of Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers.


Ruhiyyih Baker


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